The cuisine of the restaurant IL SARACENO is based on flavours and aromas of Neapolitan tradition.
Light traditional dishes like Caprese salad, Sciuè Sciuè spaghetti, Caprese ravioli and Sorrento-style potato dumplings combine
with fragrant seafood dishes like Risotto with mixed seafood, clams sauté, octopus and potato, marinated anchovies,
peppered mussels and local fresh fish, but also with a wide selection of delicious meat dishes.
All accompanied by local wines to ensure a perfect combination with the menù dishes and excellent value for money.
IL SARACENO also offers a quick snack service, with tasty snacks and salads.
Opening hours: 11:30am – 3:30pm / 6:30pm – 11pm
Winter closure: Thursday